Monday, July 13, 2009

First blog post ever!

So here's my first post. In the last couple of days I've been playing around with the trial version of Autodesk's Mudbox 2009. I really like it so far, it makes high-poly modeling extremely fast and easy, and also has some really nice texturing capabilities. It does seem to be a bit tricky to import stuff from Maya though. I've had a few different problems when doing so, but I think I'll get it figured out sooner or later. Anyway, on to the art!

This is what I've been playing around with in Mudbox, a pretty little goblin man. Not happy with it at all right now. Going to start from scratch but I thought I'd better preserve my first real mudbox attempt.

Rendered in Mental Ray. He really needs a bump map and his textures are absolutely awful, but hey, at least I got it to work!

Second, I've got this painting I'm working on. Just anatomy right now. It's been tricky. I had a false start I had to just abandon:

And here's the latest one. Still working on the dynamics here:

And that's all for tonight. I bid ya'll farewell.


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